
Sir Alexander Greyjoy

Doing Shows For Less Than A Year.

For he is named Sir. Alexander Grejoy, The Prince That Was Promised.
The First of His Name, Second in the Land, Third in the Realm, and Fourth because he never makes the top three.
However I suggest you save your tounge and call him: "Alex Greyjoy" instead. 
Alex Greyjoy was once the future Prince of the Kingdom that Once Reigned in the Real. However, he was cursed and locked away from fulfilling his promise. You may ask what the "Promise" was, but it is lost to time. 
He is now reincarnated int he body of this young 29 year old Latino man who lives in the Palm Springs area. A man who graduated with highest honors in undergrad and currently a grad student. A first generation American who is born to two Mexican born parents who fought hard to make it in this country. So he better get his education done, or else there's some SPLAINING to do. 
Alex Greyjoy manifested in his time at undergrad where he gave his early performances. The less said about them, the better.
He's still early on in his drag career with only 6-7 months experience, theortically.
Which explains his sometimes off-kilter make up skills, but damn, he's trying.
Yet, he is always looking to perfect his craft, and to challenge norms with the drag.
Think of it as "bad drag" that is a mix of fun, grunge, campy, a tad political, ugly, beautiful and old school. 
He doesn't want to be in one box, he can do Judy Garland songs one moment, Alice Cooper the next, then Luis Miguel, Shannon, Rick Astley or even Madonna.
Alex Greyjoy is a film buff with great taste in movies, his favorites include:
Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, 2001: A Space Odyssey, La Dolce Vita, The Godfather, Raging Bull, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Eve's Bayou, Psycho, Some Like it Hot, Meet Me in St. Louis, Apocalypse Now, Written in the Wind, and so much more!
A big book nerd with some of his favorites being: 
The Color Purple, Lord of the Rings, The Left Hand of Darkness, Charlotte's Webb, Beloved, Kindred, City of Night and the Communist Manifesto. 

With all that being said, Alex Greyjoy hopes to entertain first and foremost in this compettion. He hopes to represent positively Latino culture, bear culture, the big boys in the audience, and top culture(Apparently there's a shortage which explains why Alex's Grindr is popular. He's only a 8 because of the top status. If he was a bottom, he'd be a 2).

Anyway, you might be asking if he's a "bio king", and you'd be right. However, that is not his own gimmick. His main goal is to not win this compettion, but to have fun being its villain. 
Thank you for reading this long-winded biography, we promise to speak to his agent next time about this. 
Then again, what do you expect out of someone with a presumptious literary reference such as "The Prince that was Promised" as a part of his long name. 

The villain has arrived! 

Check out my photos from the challenges