
Norma Lee High

Doing Shows For Less Than A Year.

Drag has been a part of my life for as long as I remember. It began with young Josh mesmerized watching RuPaul in the "Love Shack" video for reasons I didn't understand yet. Then the films that helped shape who I am and how I operate in the world like Birdcage, Priscilla, To Wong Foo, and the like. Now so many decades after lip syncing to all my favorite disco songs and showtunes in my childhood bedroom, I'm ready to perform again live (ok theatre degree, get to werk!) and make my drag dreams come true. 

The contest will be my first time performing live, and as you can see by this submission date, I've put it off as long as I could. Wrestling with am I ready, but will I ever be ready? I know I'm ready to express myself through performance. To share my love of Broadway, disco, and pop culture through Norma. I can't listen to music anymore without thinking of performing or look at clothes, hair, accessories without fantasizing about how I could use them in future performances. 

I've been such a big cheerleader the first two cycles of this competition and I'd be "excited and scared" to throw my heel in the ring and see if this big Broadway girl has what it takes for cycle 3.